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The Importance of Early Development Dental Visits

Apr 19, 2024

It's never too early to bring your little one to a pediatric dentist. According to Stanford Medicine, These visits should start when your child is just one year old or the first tooth sprouts. Read on to learn more about the importance of these visits.

Check Proper Sprouting

Eventually, the primary teeth will fall out and be replaced by their permanent ones. However, that doesn't mean that the health of these primary teeth doesn't matter. Early dental visits can ensure these primary teeth are sprouting normally and healthily. Noticing issues with these primary teeth can prevent issues with the permanent ones later. A pediatric dentist can also see if the teeth are taking too long to sprout and determine the best intervention.

Similar to how children have growing bones, children also need to worry about how their teeth are growing and aligning. Even if the child is too young to visit the orthodontist, dental intervention can prevent worse issues. Your pediatric dentist can monitor your child's tooth sprouting to see if they're developing severe overbites or jaw issues. They can refer your child to the right specialists, such as an orthodontist or oral surgeon.

Handle Tooth Decay

Sugar is known for causing a great amount of tooth decay. However, even if your children haven't begun eating sugary foods yet, they may still have decay issues from baby formula. Their pediatric dentist can spot decay before it worsens and may even use sealant on your child's teeth for protection.

Advise on Hygiene

Your pediatric dentist is essential for ensuring you and your child understand early childhood oral hygiene. At some point, you'll have to teach your child how to brush their teeth. It'll be easier to do so with regular visits to the dentist, who could help your child become more comfortable with these practices. The dentist can also advise on how to teach your child at home.

As a parent, you should take early development childhood dental visits seriously. Even when one or two teeth sprout up, you need a dental professional to begin monitoring things. Setting good habits is essential to ensuring your child has healthy, beautiful, and well-aligned teeth. For an experienced pediatric dental professional you can trust, contact Dr. David J. Martinez, DDS for a consultation.

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